The Week Ahead 19-23 March 2018
The Week Ahead 19-23 March 2018
In our pursuit to making rights real, we bring to you our plans and activities for the week. This is done, in so that the public, media and our partners are always aware of our cases and advocacy activities. We hope that this is not only informative but encourages everyone to contribute towards our goal, which is making rights real.
19 March 2018
The matter of Mr Godfrey Mtenje will be heard in the Land Claims Court of South Africa from the 19th of March 2018. Our Land and Housing programme represents Mr Mtenje and his family who reside in dilapidated tents on a plot in Hercules, Pretoria.
To read more about this matter visit:
The Strategic Litigation Programme is expecting judgement on the matter South African History Archive v South African Reserve Bank. To read more about this case visit:
20 March 2018
The Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme will be conducting an outreach clinic outside the Durban Refugee Reception office. For more details visit our Facebook and Twitter pages
22 March 2018
The Land and Housing Programme will be in the Johannesburg High Court over the Seibiys family, their house was sold for R4000 in an execution sale, we argue that the High Court rules, which do not allow a reserve price for execution sales, is unconstitutional.
Similar to this case is the Mr. Given Jua Nkwane matter. To read more about this case visit: . Judgement on Mr Given Jua Nkwane is expected to be handed down on Friday (23 March 2018)
To follow these cases use the #BankRepossessedHomes on our Social Media Pages
23 March 2018
The Refugee and Migrant Rights Programme will be attending an all-day workshop hosted by Sacred Heart College in partnership with the Catholic Parliamentary Liaison Office and the Three2Six project discussing “Migrant children and the right to education”
The Land and Housing Programme will be in the Pretoria High Court for the #MarabastadCreche case. The owner brought an application to evict the crèche that is care taking of indigent children, our case is that the MEC needs to make sure the crèche will be will be given a suitable (safe and clean environment) in the proximity, if the eviction order is granted
For more on this case read:
For more details on any of our activities, please contact Carol Mohlala on 079 238 9826 or send an email to